Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Moving to Utah County

While living at home has been much more pleasant than expected, I'm OUTTA THERE! I'm planning on moving to provo here at the change of the semester, and I have two reservations... numero uno: money. Man how I hate money. It's clear by my choice of study that money has never been very important to me (the first major I chose was being an art major, now I'm an elementary education major- I am ridiculous). I worry about the cost of living because for a year now I've been living at home. I LOVED living in Logan though, and have made the best friendships of my life there-- side note, it is currently my dream that I can convince all of my Logan friends (and their future husbands) to live on the same street as me and we can all be best friends FOR-EV-ER. ANYWAY, I hope to make friendships down south as great as the ones I made in the north. Numero dos: This will sound silly, and the opposite of the popular female position, but I do not want to live in the marriage capitol of Utah. Not into the whole dating scene. I'd like to stay relatively unnoticed. I'm finally starting to enjoy dating every few months to a year. People say I'm lying to myself. FALSE. I'm a weirdo and I legitimately just like feeling the absence of awkwardness of dating. It's nice to enjoy friendships and not have to think about things getting all intense and annoyingly achey in the chest region when things don't work out. I'm currently working on my plans to be a spinster as I am now reaching the age of old hag in Provo years anyway! I'll be cloning my dear dog cookie and soon I'll be learning to knit. I'm not sure it gets more spinster-y than that. Does that not sound enjoyable? ANYWAY-- change is a-brewing in Miss Amy's life and I'm not against it. Should be grand on most counts.

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